Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We strive to be inclusive

As a people company, we create a diverse, inclusive and inspiring work culture to sustainably secure our economic success. We utilise our business model to shape society with the help of our employees.

We are diverse

For us, embracing diverse perspectives, influences, and opinions is essential for our growth and continuous improvement. We truly believe that the differences within our teams make us stronger. Currently, we have welcomed individuals from approximately 58 different nations into our workforce, and our diverse community continues to expand. Are you looking to enhance your language skills? We'd be delighted to assist you with a language course tailored to either German or English. Furthermore, all company information is readily available in both languages. Additionally, if you're relocating from abroad, we're here to help, regardless of your country of origin. Your journey to joining our team should be as smooth as possible, and we're committed to making that happen.

Our DEI-Strategy

Inclusive Leadership and Culture
Equitable Talent Processes & Development
Value-driven Business

These are the pillars that our measures are based around. They are particularly visible in our four priority topics. They include the HR processes recruitment and talent acquisition, employee loyalty and people development. In our fourth priority topic – awareness – we focus on making our employees aware of what diversity, equity and inclusion means at Scout24 and how each and every one of us can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive working environment.

Diversity in numbers

% Women in leadership
% Women in the company
% Men on parental leave

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We at Scout24 value and embrace the diversity that our employees bring to the company because we are convinced that precisely this diversity is the foundation for our success. We as a team can only unlock our potential if you feel secure, valued, and respected as an individual. We welcome you home just as you are. Bring your true self to our team which is a safe space for everyone with all gender and sexual identities, skin colors, ethnic origins, citizenships, ethnicities, religions and beliefs, disabilities, ages, or marital status. For requests regarding equal opportunities in our recruiting practices, please contact [email protected].

Communities @Scout24

Communities are voluntary, employee-led entities that foster a diverse and inclusive work environment linked to Scout24's mission, values and goals. The groups offer support and help with personal or professional development and create a safe space where everyone can contribute with their entire personality. Allies can also participate to support their colleagues as #OneTeam.

In addition to the existing communities Parents@Scout24 and Students@Scout24, the following communities were established at Scout24 last year:


Your contacts

Do you have any further questions? Talk to us about Diversity & Inclusion. Your feedback is always welcome.

Johanna Ebbing
Director ESG, Facility & Employee Tech
Nicola Markwardt
Manager Sustainability & DEI
Theresa Lewandowski
Senior Manager ESG & Communications
Jenny Walther
Lead Sustainability & People Analytics