About Scout24

Scout24 is one of the leading digital companies in Germany. With the digital marketplace ImmoScout24, for residential and commercial real estate, we successfully bring together homeowners, real estate agents, tenants, and buyers – and we have been doing so for 25 years. With more than 19 million users per month on the website or in the app, ImmoScout24 is the market leader for digital real estate listing and search. To digitize the process of real estate transactions, ImmoScout24 is continually developing new products and building up a connected, data-rich ecosystem for renting, buying, and commercial real estate in Germany and Austria. Scout24 is a listed stock corporation (ISIN: DE000A12DM80, Ticker: G24) and member of the MDAX and the DAX50 ESG. Since 2012, ImmoScout24 has also been active in the Austrian real estate market.

Scout24 in numbers

EUR million Group revenue H1 2024
EUR million ordinary operating EBITDA H1 2024
% ordinary operating EBITDA margin H1 2024
thousand Private customers on average Q2 2024
thousand Professional customers on average Q2 2024
million monthly ImmoScout24 users Q2 2024

Reasons to invest

1. Unique three-sided marketplace (large TAMs)

2. Leading real estate online platform with high brand recognition 

3. High level of recurring revenues 

4. Germany as a structurally promising growth market 

5. Attractive capital allocation policy (dividend growth and share buybacks) 

6. Promising financial outlook combining attractive revenue growth and scaling profitability 

7. Strong track record of achieving communicated strategies and goals

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Would you like to find out more about our dividend policy? This way!
Here you will find all information about the Scout24 share.
All information on sustainability at Scout24 can be found here.