Corporate Blog Scout24

Women Leader at Scout24: Edith Albert–Denifl, Head of Facility Management and Central Administration

An office relocation for 800 people in the middle of the corona pandemic? Edith Albert–Denifl and her team managed just that. Edith told us in an interview how she mastered these challenges and what advice from her grandmother she always follows.

What has been your greatest success at Scout24 so far?

Edith: I am particularly proud of the development and implementation of a new and very innovative office concept for Scout24, first in Munich and then in Berlin. It has had a significant impact on our corporate culture, because the office provides countless opportunities for flexible collaboration within the teams and also across teams and locations. At the same time, we were able to incorporate many sustainability issues to conserve resources - for example, an automatic light system when entering or leaving a room, daylight adjustment of the lighting at the desks, and no more plastic bottles and Nespresso capsules!

What has been your biggest challenge at Scout24 so far and how did you overcome it?

Edith: It was a very challenging task for my team and me to manage our Berlin office relocation for 800 people without anyone because we were in the middle of Corona lockdown at that time. From small things like cutlery to moving boxes, furniture and elevators: everything had to be thought and planned ahead of time.

We were only able to overcome this challenge by managing to motivate all of our Scouts to help us with this task. It was real OneTeam spirit! 

So, all in all, our team of six persons planned and executed the office move for 800 people. After that, the whole building still had to be completely emptied and returned to the owner within a few days.  

What excites you about your work?

Edith: I love my work because it is extremely varied. I lead the Central Administration and Facility Management team, and it means we deal with issues ranging from garbage disposal to tire changes and travel bookings to multi-million dollar leases and construction projects. My team and I make sure everything runs as seamlessly and economically as possible.

Every workday is different and exciting. It is a privilege and an enrichment for me to work with people from a wide variety of cultures and very individual personal backgrounds. They have different perspectives and expectations of their work environment and my main concern is to support them in the best possible way. That constant adjustment to new things keeps my mind young. 

The beauty of my job is also the design aspect. I am responsible for designing things so that my colleagues feel comfortable when they are in the office. In doing so, I make sure that the equipment and technology have their finger on the pulse of time, or - even better - are ahead of their time. I really appreciate the trust placed in me because it allows me to be courageous in my decisions and to design and implement things innovatively and creatively.

How would you briefly describe the Scout24 corporate culture?

Edith: Vibrant, bright and on the pulse of time.

How would you describe your leadership style?

Edith: I lead a very diverse team and have to adapt to each individual person and bring everyone together to form a successful team. It is important to me that everyone feels comfortable in the team and can contribute to the company's success with their individual strengths. 

How do you manage to switch off from work?

Edith: I try to keep work and free time strictly separate. When I have weekends or vacations, I disconnect completely and am only available in very urgent cases. I succeed best in switching off in my home Tyrol. I really enjoy spending my free time there.   

Who is your greatest role model?

Edith: I admire above all my grandmother, who brought a family of eight children through difficult and deprived times without ever losing her optimism and groundedness. From her, I was taught to do my best to fulfill my duties wherever there is work to be done.

What advice do you have for other women?

Edith: Don't be irritated by the opinions of other people or the media who want to prescribe certain roles for you. If you do something with conviction and passion, you will be successful - be it within your families or on your career path. Listen to what is important for you personally and believe in your strength!

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